The End

Ever since I could maintain any type of recollection of what i could see with my eyes I was fascinated with storylines. You know, the movies or TV shows that follow a strict storyline and you can just predict what happens next. These Shows and Movies kept me interested. More often than not, two wors, "The End" would follow. I would want more. I would want to continue watching and would always wonder what would happen to the main character. In reality, it was just over. Eventually, I forgot about the characters and the story and it was truly the end.

There have been two controversies that have dominated my time here in UBO. 1) Yankees Practices 2) Hackers. Obviously, I have put the first one behind me. I figured whoever started the rumor and made the post on UBO forums would never be found. So it was over with I guess. The latter was ongoing and a lot more powerful and effective on the community. Hopefully, this article bring an end to both. The same end I always seem to have a love/hate relationship with when i was younger.

Yankees Practice. For over a year I heard fairy tales from random people in the community who claimed my team cheated. During that same time my teamates were put through hell. It was almost as if the game was not fun and a lot of them turned out to have a pretty sour relationship with the community. 99.9% of the players let it go completely and didn't care for an explanation, but I did. So when Sarkhan/Ovechkin/Laster approached me through PM asking me for help, I looked at it as an opportunity for closure.

See I had always suspected it was Sarkhan who started the rumor. I figured it was him, but had no legit proof. The IP he posted the topic on UBO forums in was unmatchable with the one Netamin had in its database, and Siege and its members were not exactly helpful. Everyone in the community assumed it was true, so as a result it was one of those things where we were guilty until proven innocent. Why did I think it was Sarkhan? For one the IP was canadian. Two, he wasn't exactly on the best of terms with my team.

So Sarkhan approached me. I asked him why he made the Yankees Practice post, and he remembered exactly what happened. He told me "I did it because i thought your team was a bunch of fagots". Upon hearing this, I was irate in PUG. I just lost it. All that because someone thought players on my team were fagots. over a year of harassment because someone thought we were annoying.

Now that I had closure. That i knew who did it I finally put an end to the Yankees Practice nonsense. It was a fairy tale that people tell for reasons that are almost as idiotic and irrational as the accusations. That one post though, didn't ruin team games. It was the community. The communities refusal to believe the innocent was incredible, and because of that, we lost team games, foolish rules were put into play, the community began to fall apart. Who knew that one person could do that.

But he wouldn't neccesarily go away. Here is what he has to say:

Ok lets start off by saying, I am 0vechkin = Sarkhan / Laser. I was banned over a year ago for calling a GM an idiot, and Sir Bobby the noble jackass gave me a life time ban for it. This was during a league tournament, and right when Flight was in the finals which by the way Flight won and UBO denied me my $75 and also didn’t want to give me my refund which I hope went to ubo’s donation fund since the game obviously needs it. So not caring about the money and being pissed that I got a life time ban for calling a GM an idiot, I decided to send an email thru this random gaming forum to a person named WVSNEEK, yep, the creator of one of the first ubo hacks. We came up with a plan of me creating a forum/website to release a hack to get revenge on UBO, I went along with it since I was already banned, I wanted to ruin the game and bring a gigantic headache to Bobby and the rest of UBO to do something about the game and make them actually work at their pathetic jobs. So the website went up, forums went up, I advertised the site on team forums and ubo forums, the next day, I said fuck it, I took down the website, took down the hacks and deleted everything UBO related and I dropped UBO completely just like that, I did not want any part of it. So when I came back about a month ago mainly since I was done college and wanted to kill some time before I got into a professional job, I looked up UBO and started playing under the character 0vechkin. People accused me of being a hacker, of being certain players, I was kind of getting annoyed, I told people to go fuck themselves, apparently it has landed me two bans in two weeks and without an explanation or proof, so whoever reported me can go fuck themselves and grow the fuck up. Anyways while I was searching UBO, I came across my only forum, which I was surprised it existed but even more surprising that it had over 7000 views in the last year and over 50 registered members on it, I was feeling the need to crack down on who decided to register on the UBO Hacks forums. I got a hold of Melky, I told him what I have, he agreed to help me link emails and IP’s from my forum to his forum, after 24 hours of hard work from Melky, he has come up with a list of confirmed registered members on the UBO Hacks forums and I don’t know about you guys, if I was still playing this game, I would want an explanation from the following people on how they can call people hackers when they hacked themselves, and if they claim to deny if they hacked, why register on my forums? There are hackers running around and I get banned for swearing at people, go UBO

So one person, almost single handidly ran this game to the ground. I found it ironic that during my time in UBO 2 Siege would always say that the "Yankees" would ruin the game, and there it was...their ace starting pitcher derailed the sanctity of the only game I truly enjoyed playing.

I talked to him on MSN, forgave him, could care less anymore. I did what he asked, held up my side of the bargain and found about 15 names. The names that appeared BEFORE UBO patched the original XHACK are: (matched by IP or email)

1. DrDeath
2. Oman
3. ConMan
4. Newbert
5. Zack *not ZachAtack, the one who used to be on GearHeads)
6. DCurt25
7. Edua
8. Hoodstar
9. Rubber
10. JimmyJohn
11. YardDog
12. K1llface
13. rUafraid
14. Megatron

Those who registered after the patch

15. Mafia

- Kentucky (posted as Boget)

Honestly, like the whole stat farming fiasco, no one cares now. People should care, but no one really cares. And the moment we stopped caring, is the precise moment where UBO began to die.

This is The End. One way or another. It is the End.



May 24, 2008 at 11:32 PM

Rubber hacked OMG!!! lol. I did register for one post, was definelty me.