Talks of Possible Players' Union

One of the more popular talks going around the RBO community is the movement to add in a Players' Union. Though the views on the purpose and goals of a Players' Union are conflicting the general idea is uniform. The idea is to have a set crew of players with proper representation from all teams and levels. These players would be able to be in a direct contact with Netamin. Beyond just benefiting the players, Netamin would use the Players' Union to propose new ideas or just to get a general idea on how players felt on rule changes or new tournaments.

EWade, manager of Lynx, stated in a UBO Factor post, "If a player's union is formed, we can provide more of a say as a community and actually help this company get on the right track with RBO."

One of the more intriguing aspects of the Players' Union would be electing a President. The President would have to be able to gather the Players' Union's ideas and propose them in a proper manner for a large Netamin official. Potential nominees would be player GM's (or as Rubber involuntarily called them in a UBO Factor post, "outhouse GM's") or even Rubber himself.

I personally support Rubber as my choice for our head representative/President. Rubber, aka GM19, has been around the block as far as Ultimate Baseball Online is concerned. Though he has not fully stated that he would be willing to head the Players' Union, he has not turned down the idea in any fashion. In a UBO Factor post Rubber stated, "I have no problem passing info on and I'm sure most if not all the other player GM's would be willing to help as well." Potentially, the community could have Rubber as the President with a non-Netamin affiliated player as a Vice President.

For a long time players across the RBO community have felt that their voice wasn't being heard or has been ignored. The movement to add in a Players' Union is very real. Once the new "Bobby replacement" is announced, expect to see the players push this idea. The voice of the community might actually be heard.



May 6, 2008 at 10:38 PM

Great Post. I think a player's union is also around the corner.