BBRI - Round 2

Bothe's Batter Rating Index is up and running and I've currently got the first 100 players entered. I figured you'd enjoy seeing where you rank up compared to everyone else. Remember the BBRI takes into account multiple factors. Just because you batted .680 does not mean you are ranked over the guy who batted .590. Dink singles never got you anywhere to begin with. Please note these update BBRI numbers do not coincide with the previous numbers. The formula was tweaked to better suit the post-pink era of UBO. Good luck finding yourself, try guessing which category you're in. The first column denotes rank, second is player name, third indicates the season used for calculation, and the last column is the actual rating.



Not too shabby.

Consider Uninstalling.



May 29, 2008 at 11:11 PM

This list gets my seal of approval! lol. Seriously though, while I'm not familiar with the specifics of the formula, I think ranking hitters like this is a cool idea. It's always been a pain sifting through people's stats looking for the highest HR ratios and whatnot, weeding out Sonobe-type hitters, and roughly trying to balance everything out. Bothe has always been good at contributing to U(R)BO's peripheral stuff. I always enjoyed reading his team rankings even if I didn't agree with them. He's become Bolter reincarnate, which if you remember Bolter, is a good thing to be.

By the way, if all those guys in the "Consider Uninstalling" section actually did uninstall, it looks like UBO would lose most of its pitchers, lol. Be nice to them. We all know how much pitching blows. Even hybrids have a rough time hitting. I was noticably worse at hitting when I was pitching for Stigma even though I still had 99 BS and 99 Speed.


May 30, 2008 at 12:08 AM

PS. Here's a list of hitters I would've liked to see ranked when they were more active. I'll restrain myself from posting names from UBO1:

Deluxe50, AE87, Mutalatr, RalphieD, Foxxfire (as hitter, not hybrid as he's currently listed), Kelekin, Afu, Yoyoman, and Shane.

If these names could be added, I imagine Deluxe and AE87 would be shown to be the best hitters; Muta, Foxx, Kel, and Ralphie would be about where Shockz, Woot, and I am now; and Afu, Yoyo, and Shane would be middle of the top tier. That's just my guess anyway. I'd also add Overbay, but I think the last time he was a pure hitter and constantly playing was UBO1, or maybe the beginning of UBO2 when I wasn't very active.


May 30, 2008 at 12:24 AM

Funnyjo! also had some seriously strong campaigns in the last half of '06 and the first half of '07. I don't think his current ranking does him full justice. I doubt he'd have been up with Del and AE87, but he's certainly in the group with Shockz, Woot, Kel, Muta, etc.


May 30, 2008 at 3:59 PM

Great to see you posting here 9c