Rd. 1, School's Out Blowout -gimmepie, Bombers -Roguee, Bombers -Curtis92, Insanity Co-MVPs, Saturday Blast III -0, TechEast -gatyopin2, T.Tech MVP, Memorial Day -GM19 Rd.2,3 Memorial Day -Wiggy, Carnage -SlayerXX, Rage -DrDeath, FlightAL -Nataliamo, Rage -KidNub, Empire Rd. 1, Memorial Day -d1nonly2, Bombers -ElDuque, Empire MVP, Saturday Blast -d1nonly2, Bombers MVP, Cinco de Mayo -gatyopin2, T.Tech Rd. 3, Cinco de Mayo -SayheyKid, T.Tech -SniperX, Hybrids Rd. 2, Cinco de Mayo -Majewicz, Carnage -KMAN, Bombers Rd. 1, Cinco de Mayo -Junior03, Masters -WCKDPERK, T.Tech
Career RBO Pick'em Standings
1. Melky (17-5) 2. NEWBert (8-14)
*as of end of 1st rd of ScOuBlOu*
Dev. Notes
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