Someone's been busy...

Netamin's been active lately, showing us that they are going to provide the necessary work to make this game great.

School's Out Blowout:

The School's Out Blowout, slated to begin on June 17th, is another team tournament for bragging rights. Registration will be open until June 16th. Remember to get your team registered to get that last practice in before league. No one wants to be found rusty against an easy opponent in the early rounds of the upcoming league. Sign up and get your team in tip-top shape (might as well win the tournament while you're at it).

Improvements, Patch:

Speaking of league, Netamin is still testing the league tool and working out the kinks. Let's not forget about that patch, though. Netamin will be filling us in on the specifics once we get nearer to the release date. You can expect an addition that will make hosting a team tryout or practice a breeze for your team's manager.