Mega Meets the Managers

From time to time I'm going to sit down with Managers in the RBO community who are currently in the spotlight. A little something to get to know some of the communities prominent members a little better. For the virgin issue I caught up with Toyboy, the manager of the Elite team the Hybrids.

Mega: Toyboy, Thanks for doing this. To begin, how old are you, where are you from (in Sweden) and what do you do for a living?
ToyBoy: Im 27years old this summer and live in Gothenburg. And at the moment im looking for a job

Mega: What is your favorite sport to watch and play?
ToyBoy: Favorite sport to watch is Soccer. Love english soccer. I have played for 16 years table tennis but have stop for like 4 years back

Mega: What made you give up Table tennis? Too much running?
ToyBoy: got job played to much and my kid was born and I wanted to spend more time with her.
Mega: :) Congrats on the daughter
ToyBoy: thx

Mega: What is your favorite meal?
ToyBoy: Swedish meatballs with potatos

Mega: If I'm buying, what are you having (drinks)?
ToyBoy: cheap or expesive?
Mega: Lets pretend I'm wealthy.
ToyBoy: Cheap i would say Smirnoff Ice. Expensive, clear long island ice tea.

Mega: Cats or Dogs?
ToyBoy: Both
Mega: Nice
ToyBoy: but im allegric to both also
Mega: :(

Mega: Do you play any other online games besides Real Baseball?
ToyBoy: yes i play Counter-Strike Zero, Ultima Online, Shaiya, DOTA, will start with Rohan Online, Lineage 2 and Heroes of Might and Magic 5

Mega: What is the one piece of technology you cannot live without?
ToyBoy: Mobilephone

Mega: On to the good stuff.

Mega: How long have you been playing UBO/RBO?
ToyBoy: I guess around 3 years.

Mega: Were you familiar with the game of baseball before finding the game?
ToyBoy: My friend LordSmrf also a Baseball player showed me this game. I downloaded made a char and in camp i did hr first hit. After that i just stayed with it.

Mega: Have you seen the movies Bull Durham or any of the Major League's?
ToyBoy: Baseball movie you mean?
Mega: yessir, if you haven't they are a must see for the budding baseball fan.
ToyBoy: Seen a movie with Tom Hanks as coach for a girl team and mr.3000
Mega: A league of Their Own. Both of those movies pale in comparision. :)

Mega: Who was the first UBO team you played with?
ToyBoy: Bombers

Mega: After that you went to....?
ToyBoy: i quit playing for a while then when i got back i started to play with Mustangs.

Mega: How long were you with the Mustangs?
ToyBoy: 2 season, untill the Manager showed him self being a Retard!
Mega: takes care of my next question lol

Mega: When you were starting out in UBO, who were some of the more experienced players that you maybe looked up to, learned from, and maybe tried to emulate?
ToyBoy: Must say Shocked, Sonobe and Stumped.

Mega: Your top pitcher SNIPERX gets a rough treatment from the community due to his reputation, was he in your plans from day one when you started the Hybrids and is he on any sort of behavioural leash?
ToyBoy: When i started Hybrids we didnt have any pitcher. Sniper talked to me (saying) that he wanted to follow my foot steps (and) come to our team as a p.
ToyBoy: And yes he has a leash

Mega: Your team, but more specifically SNIPERX shocked the community with your performance in the Cinco de Mayo tourny. Were you surprised with how effectively he pitched or is this something you expect from him everytime he's on the mound after 3 seasons together?
ToyBoy: I expect its and also for that tournement we had some field changes that made him more calm.

Mega: Pesto pitched well for you last season but has gone hitter this season and is not with your team presently. What happened and is he coming back?
ToyBoy: Well i dont know why he left and i dont know if he will come back.

Mega: Alright moving on, yourself and LordSmrf are from Sweden, where does the rest of your team come from?
ToyBoy: Right now in the Team we have Haverford = USA Sniperx = USA BigJuddd = ? MasterPai = USA GAWD = Sweden OldZero = USA FlameON = Sweden.
Rawrrr, NEWBert editing in for y'all information. BigJuddd is from Ontario, Canada

Mega: BigJudd, OldZero and masterpai look like new additions this season, do you expect to make any more additions before the 2008-2 season gets underway?
ToyBoy: Yes we are looking for a relif pitcher at the moment and maby 1-2 hitters more.

Mega: OldZero, where did he come from? I know very little about him.
ToyBoy: OldZero was when i started play 3 years ago in Bombers and his name was ~ZERO~, he has comeback from quitting ubo to start to play again

Mega: I learned something new today. Him and I played together on the Mets.

Mega: What is your motivation for managing? Are you here just to have fun? Is winning more important than that or is it a combination of those things and perhaps more?
ToyBoy: I play to win, fun well always fun to win. I get very upset if i lose. Im a winner guy, (It's) all i think about.

Mega: Last question and it might be a tricky one. If Real Baseball scrapped all the team rosters and instituted a draft and you had the first overall pick, who would be your first selection? For political purposes it can't be anyone currently on your team.
ToyBoy: Ouch that was a hard one. Ipwn (Goblin) or Elduque.

Mega: Awesome thanks for doing this Toy.
ToyBoy: Your welcome

Mega: See ya in the game.