Mega Meet's the Manager's: Vol 2

In every sport there are names attached to them, a name that invokes that thought of the other one. Football has the Montana or Elway, Bradshaw or Emmitt. Hockey has maybe one universal one in Gretzky. Baseball has Ruth and Bonds, Griffey and Clemens. When it comes to Real Baseball and UBO MelkyNYY is one of those names and is the feature in our second installment of Meet's the Manager's.

MelkyNYY is the manager Empire. and is their organizational leader. His teams have won two of the past three Elite league championships and both of his organization's teams, Empire. and the Bombers. continue to put up a serious challenge for any titles up for grabs. On top of that, Melky put tireless hours into community building, as his RBO Factor forums allows community members to communicate mano-eh-mano so to speak. Filter free.

On to the questions.

Mega: MelkyNYY, who are you away from Real Baseball?
MelkyNYY: My name is Chris and I attend Seton Hall University in New Jersey. I’m a political science major and I want to be a criminal defense attorney. I have a dog, Bayley who would kill you. Other than that I’m an ordinary Dominican Yankee fan.

Your how old?
I am 19.

What is your favorite sports to watch and play?
Has to be baseball. I can watch a baseball game from start to finish and it keeps my interest. I also enjoy playing baseball because it’s one of those sports that you just can’t be human if you don’t have fun playing it.

What is your favorite meal?
Interesting question. I eat a lot of Spanish food at home, like rice and beans and stuff, but my favorite meal would have to be Baked Ziti. Hits the spot.

If I'm buying, what are you having?
A Dr. Pepper. I don’t drink alcohol.

Cats or Dogs?
Dogs. Cats are yucky. *Editor's note* lol

Do you play any other online games besides Real Baseball?
We have tried as a team to play other games, but when you are a manager you can’t really afford to play another game. Too much to do.

What is the one piece of technology you cannot live without?
My Laptop. If I didn’t have it I couldn’t be here with you guys all the time.

Whats your favorite sports movie?
Sandlot no question. Isn’t that everyone’s favorite sports movie?

How long have you been playing UBO?
Almost three long years now.

In your beginning you went by a different name and somehow lost possession of the name. Would you go back to SHOCK after all this time if you could now? Or would you stay with MelkyNYY?
You know what I wouldn’t go back if I could. I don’t really care much anymore about my name. Most of my guys still call me Shock anyway.

Who was the first UBO team you played with?
Yankees. I never played on a team, I always managed.

The Yankees were created before which season?

Who are the original Yankees still with the team today?
Wow. Kidnasty and PatientJ. That’s about it.

What is the difference between Melky the manager now and Melky the manager before the championship, personality wise?
I wasn’t nearly as prepared as I am now. I learned after we won back to back championships as an organization that we couldn’t take anything for granted anymore. After we took 2007-4 off I realized I needed to get back to work. I started scouting, playbooks, monitoring our pitchers almost obsessively analyzing every aspect of the game. Our forums have videos and plays and a bunch of information that just makes us feel prepared. I learned to differ to my veteran players. I realized KMAN knew most about pitching and could help manage, and PJ could be a great scouting director and started giving my players bigger roles. This allowed me to focus on my job as a manager, getting to know my players and how they perform. Going to the practice clubhouse and doing individual sessions. One thing I pride myself on is giving my teammates the best chance to win, and everyone on my team will tell you I’m the hardest working manager they’ve ever played for, and easily the most prepared.

When you were starting out in UBO, who were some of the more experienced playere that you maybe looked up to, learned the ropes from?
I really like the way BenyDJet managed Siege. He wasn’t one of those managers who kind of just didn’t talk in PUG and never answered you, positively or negatively he would tell you what was on his mind. His teammates respected him and I did too.

Where do your teammates call home, geographically?
We are a worldwide team. We have players in Canada, California, New York, South Carolina, New Jersey, Holland, Italy, and probably Mexico I’m not sure lol.

Who will log your teams innings this year?
We have a boatload of pitching. KMAN will always be there and so will Goblin. Dre is back and ready to contribute and so is Precision. Fire is stepping up and will do much better with all his pitches. I would love to have 3 pitchers on each team, and we are looking for the third pitcher on either Bombers/Empire.

You dedicate a lot of yourself into Real Baseball, are you optimistic that we will see 'Z' in the near to somewhat distant future?
I am. I mean they have to do something right? I really enjoy this game and I love baseball and I love my team. I would hate to see it all disappear because the game is making false promises.

How do you feel about the current state and future of Real Baseball?
The community is what used to carry this game and it has lost it. I think the current state of the game is pretty bad, but it is looking up. I just hope that in the future UBOZ is as great as it’s rumored to be.

Is there a way to market the game that isn't being utilized at the moment?
I have no idea why they aren’t going to gaming forums or sports websites. I am sure they could get hundreds of sports fans to at least try this game.

Finally, in your opinion, who's the top player in Real Baseball right now, not in your organization?
Wow. Tough question. I would have to say Gatyopin. Hard to dispute Gat.

Melky, I appreciate you taking the time to this with me and I will see you in the game.