League: Epic Fail? Pro Success?

We are back with a quick league update. Today, the managers of some of the major elite teams and their representatives met at the Netamin vent to update the community on the upcoming league. I did my best to take some notes on the meeting before i had to head out for food :P. Anyway here we go.

1. The League Start Date
  • Well this is the first thing everyone wants to know right? Well there is no exact set date, but league is a lot farther away than we initially thought. Registration will most likely be the week of July 13th and the start date will be sometime in late July. The hold up? Basically Netamin and Customer Service is busy testing the new league system. They are stuck on a seeding bug when it gets to the playoffs. As soon as the seeding system is done, registration will be over.
2. League Format
  • The new league system only allows for 8 teams per division. Meaning there will be two separate leagues going on but they will correspond to each other come playoff time. The problem is with the number of teams. We are fine if we get 2 divisions of 8, but if we fall a few short or a few over it can throw off the entire league system. What they may do to compensate for this is combine the AS league and the Elite league. The schedules will be automated using the new league system, and they will be posted on the main website as are the "Team Activities".
3. Prizes? Gimme Ipods! Gimme Moneh! Gimme PIE!!
  • None of the above. Well, technically we might get a prize in the form of baseball memorabilia (signed Ripken hat ftw?) but all of that is premature right now. The league will not be pay to play and the prizes might only go to the team manager. Right now with the current state of RBO, they can not frankly afford to give the entire winning team prizes. But if it is memorabilia, they might be able to pull something where the entire team may get something. For now, the 2008-3 league will have no prizes.
4. All Star Week?
  • One of the bright spots of the meeting was the mentioning of an All Star Game. The league season will most likely be 14 games long. It will take about one month to play 7 games, then the league system will take a short break for an All Star Game. After the ASG, the league will resume for 7 more games. Daniel Sloan (AKA The New SMack) informed the managers that GM19/Rubber will be the Elite league commissioner. It will be interesting to see what the new commissioner decides to do as far as All Star voting is concerned. Anyway, the ASG is a big plus and something the community has sought for quite some time.
5. The CoC, The Rules, what you need to know...
  • Daniel Sloan/GM26/RBOPress will be releasing a thorough Code of Conduct for tournaments and leagues in the upcoming weeks. He will also be releasing a "manager's guide" that will show the managers all the necessary commands and deadlines they will need to adhere to. "We want to get all the gray area out of the COC and I have been working on it for weeks" - Daniel Sloan
6. Miscellaneous
  • The Stadium 2 nonsense is figured out. We will all be playing in Stadium 1. Time outs and subs will be clarified and waving will be brought back for league. Many minor issues that the managers brought up will be solved. Bugs, ruling questions, and roster issues. The managers will have the final say via vote on any scheduling or rules for this upcoming league (plus plus plus).
Do not be surprised if I add to this article, but for now this is all I can remember. Look for the thread on Factor for discussion.