Cinco De Mayo: Finals Recap

Heart. Fire. Determination. Dedication. All words you would use to describe a championship team. Whether you agree with the way either team carries itself, both teams have carried themselves with the neccesary characteristics to win. The Cinco De Mayo prize tournament would come to be an ultimate success. Regardless of your opinion of the game, everyone wakes up for tournaments and gives 110%. At the end of the day, it was not about the sunglasses or Rotowire subscription for either of these teams, it was about pride. Both teams looked to make a name for themselves and they ultimately did. Which team came out on top?

Top 1 - T.Tech Hitting
The T.Tech manager Baptiste and last game's star gatyopin both flied out to start the game. SniperX had great command and worked low extremely well to start. The only hard hit ball in the 1-2-3 inning was a linedrive to BearGryll that was caught by ToyBoy (of course) in Left Field.

Bottom 1 - Hybrids Hitting
WCKDPRK came out tonight a man on a mission. Struggling mightily lately, the young stud pitcher pitched a 1-2-3 bottom of the first to match SniperX. Hell, he might have pushed himself further past him. HAVERFORD grounded out to second base to start off, and OLDZERO would fly out. WCKDPRK would then impressively strike out ToyBoy to end the frame 0-0 after 1.

Top 2 - T.Tech
SniperX would retire DanTheMan, as he started off the game retiring 4 straight hitters. Against WCKDPRK, the opposing pitcher, he gave up a hard single to RF. Baptiste followed sui with a single to RF of his own, putting runners on first and third with 1 out. GatyoPin would also single to RF on a soft grounder that made it through. SniperX was unable to retire WCKDPRK, and it haunted him in the Top of the second as he came around to score. Beargryll made it 4 straight singles putting runners on first and third again. DantheMan tried to keep the streak going, but his groundout to third only induced an out at home. With 2 outs and a runner in scoring position WCKDPRK came up again. And for the second time, WCKDPRK drove in the run helping his own cause. SniperX, apparently angered, would come back and strike out Baptiste to end the threat. 2-0 T.Tech.

Bottom 2 - Hybrids
GAWD singled off of WCKDPRK to end his consecutive out streak, but WCKDPRK would continue to face the minimum as he would get a 4-3 double play off the bat of SniperX. WCKDPRK would then strike out leadoff hitter HAVERFORD to continue an impressive outing. 2-0 T.Tech after 2.

Top 3 - T.Tech
The top of the third saw SniperX continue to struggle. Gatyopin left the ballpark as he continued to impress the spectators in RBO stadium tonight. SniperX would retire BearGryll and WCKDPRK in order, but would then fail to keep manager Baptiste in the yard. Looking to keep the damage to a minimum, SniperX walked gatyopin. The next batter, BearGryll, singled to RF but was gunned out by GAWD trying to run back to first base. 4-0 T.Tech.

Bottom 3 - Hybrids
Boy was WCKDPRK impressive. After giving up a single to OLDZERO, he got Toyboy to ground out. The hot GAWD, singled as well to put runners on first and second. SniperX bunted, an unconventional play with 1 out. WCKDPRK then buckled down and struck out HAVERFORD to end the threat. 4-0 Tech after 3 innings.

Top 4 - T.Tech
SniperX recovered well as he did not allow anything to cross the plate in the 4th. His defense seemed to find a groove and looked to pick up their ace. The Hybrids pitcher was now in clean-up mode, trying to contain the damage.

Bottom 4 - Hybrids
WCKDPRK when in confidently into the bottom of the 4th, but the Swedish Stallion and his sidekick GAWD both homered to get that Hybrids offense going. The problem? No one else was hitting. 4-2 T.Tech.

Top 5 - T.Tech
Now it was time for SniperX to not let anyone cross the plate. He knew he could not afford to give up any more runs because his offense was rather pedestrian tonight. Unfortunately, ABSMOKE and DANTHEMAN had other plans. ABSMOKE singled and DANTHEMAN drove him all the way home with a double. WCKDPERK would ground out, but got the job done to make it a 6-2 ballgame. SniperX settled down and retired Baptiste but the damage was apparently done.

Bottom 5 - Hybrids
WCKDPRK refused to give up anything to HYBRIDS as he retired the side without much of a problem. It was 6-2 heading into Tech's final frame.

Top 6 - T.Tech
Nothing doing for Tech here. 6-2 heading into the final inning.

Bottom 6 - Hybrids
With all the criticism surrounding Tech's pitching and all the focus on their offense, WCKDPRK came up HUGE. After allowing a solo homerun to Oldzero to cut the deficit to 3, WCKDPRK rebounded and struck out the final hitter - looking. A great game for WCKDPRK. Congrats to Tech on an amazing tournament and congrats to Hybrids for a great game as well.

I caught up with an upset ToyBoy. We all know RBO is not the smoothest of games and he was awfully upset about the gameplay issues throughout:

Hybrids Interview - Toyboy
Melky: You played close games the whole tournament, this time you didn't manage to come through, what was different?
Toyboy: In the first 3 games there was no lag and in this last one there was spike/lag/disconnects. And of course, our hitting wasn't the best. We didn't produce as well as we should. And our defense in some places just didn't work.
Melky: I know it is very tough to play in those situations and I am sorry to hear that. What was WCKDPRK doing that made him so effective?
Toyboy: Other then he pitched a realy good game and we had trouble with the lag spikes. Still his pitching style didnt suit us.
Melky: The game seemed to be competitive the whole way through, are you proud of the way your team fought to stay in it?
Toyboy: Yes, we showed that we arent a team that gives away runs for free. Our Defense was good but we need to work on it a little more and our offense need to produce more.
Melky: How does this game prepare you for future tournaments?
Toyboy: As we will have a Mangement change and we got more hitters to our team we will have more changes soon. Then it will be a lot difference than it had been in this tournement. We will try a diffrent style and see how that will work.
Melky: When you look back at this game, what will you remember most?
Toyboy: My perfect first inn with 3 catches and how SniperX keept the ball inside the park, not letting them score high run totals like they have done against the other teams on the road to the finals.
Melky: Anything to say to T.Tech?
Toyboy: Thx for a good game i hope the sunglasses fits all of your teammates and Gj to T.Tech pitcher WCKDPRK. Will see you in next tournament for revenge.
Melky: Thank you Toyboy.
Toyboy: Your welcome.

T.Tech Interview - Baptiste and Company
Melky: Ready for the interview Baptiste?
Baptiste: Yes, but First of i would like to thank our Fans For there support and always keeping our heads up. I want to thank Sayheykid W00ds and N8te for Being Team players. Lots of people doubted us due to our inexperience but we were never let up in crunch time. Our D was solid and Perk pitched a hell of a game.
Manny73: As Co-Manager of T.Tech I want to thank everyone that showed up to play and keeping thier cool during a few stressful games and keeping on the same page with the rest of the team. Bap and I spent hours thinking and re-thinking starters and subs and everyone worked as a team not individuals. Again Great job everyone!
Melky: That's great *laughs*, So Baptiste, how proud of you of WCKDPRK? He rebounded extremely well.
Baptiste: Very he pitched his Heart out.
Melky: Any words from you WCKDPRK?
WCKDPRK: I just wanna thank my defense for making me look good out there and taking all the pressure off along with offense for keeping ahead for most of the games. I especially want to thank you guys for not getting on me when I had the rough spots ..
Melky: You and Gat seemed to constantly come up big with huge homeruns the whole tournament, how do you hit so well in tournament play?
Baptiste: As I told you before, every game...breathe in and breathe out. Try to keep it fun when you're down.
Melky: Well I wanted to congratulate you and wish you luck in the future. Do you have anything to say to Hybrids?
Baptiste: Very Good Game Hybrids. SniperX pitched a hell of a game, he had my number until the third.
Manny73 in the background: Tell SniperX Manny and ABSMOKE will buy him a beer when we meet up.
WCKDPRK: Tell Sniper much respect.
Melky: Thank you for giving me the time to interview you. Enjoy your win.
Baptiste: One more time I just want to mention how important N8te, W00ds15 and Sayheykid are to this team. They are really great leaders in the clubhouse. You do a great job with the site. Thank You.

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Congrats to T.TECH!!!! Look out for Newberts Top Performers and the Awards for this tournament!

Prediction RESULTS!!!

Melky 1-0
Newbert 0-1

Thank you for reading.